Your impatience to download the proper version of XCode from official Apple servers and thus installing a stupid, malware-infected, Chinese version of XCode, has put my security at risk!!
I always thought of Winzip as a professional company that I could trust with my digital security and safety. Well, no more! If I experience any ill effects from this unethical, unprofessional, immature decision of yours, well, I will hold you responsible! Why didnt you put the thought of your users security first, before your own impatience?
Even if you release a "safe" and possibly malware-free version of Winzip in the future. It just doesnt matter to me. Im no longer going to put my trust and security in your company and Ill never download/buy another one of your applications again.
Im sensible enough to understand that you had no way of knowing that what you were downloading contained malware exploits in the code. But, I would think out of anyone, a supposedly professional developer would be smart enough to know that you cant trust anything programming-wise from the Chinese, let alone being foolish enough to download code from unofficial, non-Apple sources.
That is just reckless and irresponsible with your own safety and your users safety and security. The least you could do is apologize in the description or the "Whats New" section of the App Store page. It speaks even more volumes about how unprofessional, unethical and immoral that you are, by the fact that you didnt do that.
To Other Users - Make sure to delete any version of Winzip that you have installed on your devices, it was infected with malware and can put your safety and security at risk. And I would advise not downloading this app again, even if they claim its now "secure". Im extremely disappointed in this developer and they would have to go to immense lengths to gain my trust again, if thats even possible.
Joshua D. about WinZip Pro: zip, unzip & rar